Brian Inder was a man with a dream, and the fortitude, craziness and perservance to make it come true. Side by side with his wife Laura they built Tasmazia together. Proving that you are never too old to follow your passion, Brian started this when he was 54 years young. Since 1994 it has been the delight of thousands of visitors to discover this wonderland.

Brian and Laura grew medical lavender and sold lavender bags to tourists. There were over 12,000 lavender plants at the farm and they were all harvested with a sickle. An annual Lavender Harvest Festival has been held at Tasmazia. Depending on the time of year, the lavender may be in flower. Generally, harvest season is February. Whatever season you visit, the fragrant flowers make a great photo with the majestic Mount Roland in the background.

Brian had seen a Laurel and Hardy movie when he was a child, where they were lost in a maze. He loved it and decided to build one himself. Propagating thousands of shrubs, their maze was the largest in the world at the time.
One of the ten top attractions in the world ( Tasmazia and the Village of Lower Crackpot is located in the strangely named Promised Land, not far from Cradle Mountain and the Lakes District. It was a pleasure to spend a day here discovering its many features.
There are eight mazes to explore and scattered throughout the mazes are funny joke signs that will bring a smile and laugh to most people.

The mazes are made from trees such as the Viburnum Laurustinus Tinus and Chinese honeysuckle.

Topiary is also to be found here in the shapes of Australian animals, located near the Embassy Gardens.

The largest of the eight mazes is the Great Maze. When it was planted, it was the world’s largest. The goal is to seek out the Three Bears’ Cottage. There is also a secret passageway here, but I cannot tell you about it… it’s a secret!

The Hampton Court maze is a repeat design of the maze at Hampton Court Palace in the UK, with a central viewing platform. There is a hexagonal maze, an Irish maze and a six sided maze here too. The yellow brick road maze takes you to the village of Upper Lower Crackpot and contains a fairy princess’ castle. This is a perfect fairy tale maze for smaller children and toddlers.

At 100mm wide the balance maze is a low wall one on which you must balance to negotiate your way through. Laura explained that when Brian was courting her, they would often walk on top of walls. He built this maze to resemble the walls they wandered together. Visitors can test their own agility skills.
At the end of this maze, visitors can discover the Lower Crackpot Correction Centre. Find the medieval forms of punishment depictions, including the Dungeon, Flogging Triangle, Pillory, Stocks, French Guillotine, Gallows, Rail, Rack and the Stake.

The goal of the cage maze is to find the monument to a plumber. (spoiler alert, it is a toilet) Built of timber in a cage format this is a quick and easy maze to find your way through.

Vibrant and bright is Cubby Town, designed for children. It includes a theatre, fire station, pancake parlour, supermarket, doctors’ rooms and more. Brian said “While every Aussie man should have a shed, every Aussie kid should have a cubby.” (A cubby is a play space for children, usually a purpose built miniature house)

Having a tree house is the dream of many people. At Tasmazia you can share this double storey one, complete with outdoor deck area and awesome country views. Many of these massive trees are of the Siberian Cypress variety, a strong base for the tree house.

The Welcome sign on the tree house is a warm hello from the Laird and Lady, in many different languages. This is the Crackpot version of a welcome mat! Like everything here, it is over the top, but oh so fabulous.

Speaking of houses, in the centre of one of the mazes is a fabulous discovery, the Three Bears Cottage. The doors do open and guests can venture in to look at the small home.

The whimsical model village of Lower Crackpot is built to one fifth scale. Click here to read more about the village.

The Embassy Gardens contains over 60 embassies and represents over 40 countries and some non-existant ones. Click here to read more about the Gardens.

Locals and visitors alike had told me how great the pancakes are in the café here. Locals travel here just for the pancakes! Sadly, I cannot digest sugar, so instead, I indulged in the generous sized nachos and a coffee. Both were delicious.

In the café there is also a giant Big Ted made in Tasmania, that has delighted many children over the years.

In the café dining room is a skillfully created doll house. I always wanted one as a child, and this is five storied childhood dream come true.

It is hard to pick just one delightful reminder of my experience here from those offered in the well stocked gift shop.

Finally, I chose some of the lavender honey that is sold here as a gift for a friend.

This tourist destination is a true delight. Hours can be spent here admiring and enjoying the attractions. It is suitable for all age groups and definitely one of the most wonderful places to visit in Tasmania.
Tasmazia is a 15 minute drive from Sheffield, a 40 minute drive from either Devonport or Cradle Mountain, and a 1 hour 15 minute drive from Launceston.
500 Staverton Road, Promised Land, Tasmania, Australia
Open 7 days a week, except Christmas Day. Check website for opening hours as these can vary depending on the season.
Happy Travels!
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