Why do I like waterfalls?
Waterfalls are always different. Variations in the season, time of day, weather conditions etc means that the waterfall you saw once is always going to be different each time you see it
I can use my senses to see, hear, smell, even taste and touch the water and surrounding landscapes
Waterfalls are powerful. The rush and fury of a fall can be in sharp contract with the still and silent landscape around it. It can carve through rock and stone over time.
Waterfalls can be roaring fast currents or soft tinkling trickles
Waterfalls are beautifully breathtaking. They are water - the elixer of life
I love being out and about in nature
Visiting Tasmania, Australia is a treat for a waterfall enthusiast as there are many different sizes, shapes and grades.

Redwater Creek Falls is a small fall and an easy walk of around 5kms in and out. The trail can be hiked, walked or bike ridden. Dogs can be taken on the trail, but must be kept on a leash. For those people with mobility issues, you can drive in closer to the falls, down a well driven dirt track. To get right up to the falls does require walking over some uneven surfaces and rocks. It is classed as an easy walk and is accessible all year round.
The water does not flow continuously, only after heavy rains.
Leaving my car at the paved road, I headed off on the trail, ensuring that all gates were reclosed as I passed through.

The neighbours were quite inquisitive of my trip and decided to come closer for a more personal look.

As I walked to the falls, farmlands spread out on my rightside to the town edge and Mt Rowland was magestic in the background.

To the left was a small creek that watered the dense ferns and trees.

The path is well signposted. From this point on there is some scrambling over rocks and it can be quite slippery at times.

The first thing you heard is the water rushing over the falls, then you see the beauty unfold as you get closer.

The walk is part of the recreational, cultural and nature based 480km Tasmania trail. The Wild Mersey mountain bike track passes by very close to the walk. Redwater Creek Waterfall is a fabulous way to spend a day hiking and enjoying nature.

Happy Travels!
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